Equipment Time Tracking provides a desktop interface where all equipment time entries across the organization can be viewed and monitored.
- To access Equipment Tracking, click to open the Time menu in the left navigation.
- The Time menu opens. Choose the Equipment Time Power Grid option.
- The Equipment Time PowerGrid opens, displaying the following details and features:
a. Filter Panel: Click into the Filter Panel to select options to limit the data displayed by Operator, Entry Type (Manual vs. Automatic), Equipment Type, Equipment, Project, Cost Code, Effective Date, Date Changed, and Date Created. By default, the equipment time entries for the entire organization will be displayed in this view. b. Filter Icon: This icon serves as another entry point into the Filter Panel. c. Group Menu: Use this menu to group data in the Equipment Time Log by Operator, Equipment, Equipment Type, Project, Cost Code, or Entry Type. Once grouped, totals will be calculated for any numerical columns (see Group Total below). d. Column Header Menu: Use this menu to turn columns on or off, determining which data displays. Note that once columns have been added they can be dragged and dropped to change their display order, or resized by pulling their edges. e. More Options: This menu holds options to reset columns, export the data to a .csv, or print to PDF. f. Equipment Time Entry Icon: This icon indicated whether the entry was manually entered ( ) or automatically added using bluetooth technology (
g. Group Total: When data is grouped, any numerical columns will be totaled at the bottom of the grouping.
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