To view a SmartTask’s details, click it. The SmartTask expands.
On the SmartTask Detail screen, the following information can be viewed:
- Nudge / Recognize: Send quick messages to the team about a SmartTask to either Nudge (follow up on a SmartTask that is overdue or whose status is unclear) or to Recognize (deliver acknowledgement of a job well done).
- Refresh Messaging: Click to check for new messages in the chat panel.
- SmartTask Status: Shows the status of the SmartTask as indicated by the owner or assigner. SmartTasks may hold the following statuses: Not Started, In Progress, Complete, Blocked, or Cancelled.
- SmartTask % Complete: This pie chart indicates how complete a SmartTask (50% indicates that a SmartTask is half-way done) is and can be updated by clicking it and selecting the appropriate percentage.
- Name: The SmartTask’s name appears here.
- Milestone: This diamond indicates whether or not a SmartTask has been designated a Milestone (a key deadline in the project). Milestones are used to mark important dates, not for completion of work.
- Priority: Displays the level of priority associated with this task (Low, Normal, High or Critical).
- Description: Details of the SmartTask appear in this field.
- Owner: The person responsible for completion of this SmartTask appears here in addition to the team associated with this project.
- Project: The project to which this SmartTask belongs.
- Project Phase: The phase within the project in which this SmartTask lives.
- Start Date: The date that work is scheduled to begin for this SmartTask.
- Due Date: The date by which the work in this SmartTask must be complete.
- Lock Dates: By default, the Critical Path is allowed to manage start and due dates based on the completion of predecessor SmartTasks. Click here to lock the start and due dates, leaving them unchanged by the Critical Path.
- Duration: This field represents the number of days available to complete this SmartTask (taking into account weekends and holidays).
- Work Estimate: This field displays the time or effort the assigner or owner estimates it will take to complete the SmartTask.
- Time Card: If time is being captured for a SmartTask, it will be summarized in this field.
- Items: If there are specific materials needed for the completion of this SmartTask, they can be captured under Items. Click the item count to view, edit, or add the associated items.
- Steps: Captures a list of detailed steps that must be taken in the completion of this SmartTask. These steps can be marked complete as work on the SmartTask proceeds. Click on the steps count to view, edit, or add steps.
- Attachments: Captures any related documents or files associated with this SmartTask. Click on the attachments count to view, edit, or add attachments.
- Dependency Map: When this icon is clicked the Dependency Map for the SmartTask is opened displaying any predecessor or successor SmartTasks. When the icon appears in black, the SmartTask is a part of the project’s Critical Path. Learn more about the Critical Path here.
- Cost Code: Select a cost code from the dropdown menu of cost codes associated with the project to which this SmartTask belongs.
- Progress Estimate (*Construction Industry Specific*): This is the estimated production amount for the SmartTask.
- Progress Actual(*Construction Industry Specific*): This number totals all numeric progress entries for this SmartTask.
- Geofence(*Construction Industry Specific*): Allows a geofence associated with this SmartTask to be uploaded.
- Creator: The user who created this SmartTask and a timestamp of when it was created.
- Assigner: The user who assigned this SmartTask and a timestamp of when it was assigned.
- Changed By: The user who most recently changed this SmartTask and a timestamp of when it was most recently changed.
- Save: Click to save all updates to the SmartTask.
- Cancel: Click to cancel all updates to the SmartTask.
- Messaging: This instant messaging tool allows real-time communication with teammates. Team members (including extended users) can be messaged using this tool, and a record of all communications will be maintained until manually deleted.
- @ Icon: To mention another user in a message, click the @ icon. A notification will be sent alerting that user that they have been mentioned in this communication.
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